Friday August 24 2018, DjangoCon AU Track, C3.3, 14:50 AEST
Watch 'PostgreSQL Indexing : How, why, and when.' on PyCon AU's YouTube account
So many of the things we build depend on a DBMS to keep our data safe, and retrieve it quickly. We know indexes can make that faster, but… how do they work? When should you use them? What should I index?
So many of the things we build depend on a DBMS to keep our data safe, and retrieve it quickly. We know indexes can make that faster, but… how do they work? When should you use them? What should I index?
Let me guide you through how Postgres stores your data, how it builds and uses indexes, and how to figure out when an index can help turn your slow queries into lightning fast responses!
Watch 'PostgreSQL Indexing : How, why, and when.' on PyCon AU's YouTube account