Sunday August 26 2018, Cockle Bay, 11:50 AEST

Did you know the role women and nonbinary people have played in the Python community? This talk aims to document the brilliant contributions of under-represented people in Python. We interviewed established and emerging leaders, and will share their insights on what’s exciting in Python in 2018.

Did you know the role women and nonbinary people have played in building the Python community worldwide? Our speaker interviewed both established and emerging leaders in the Python community, and will share their insights on what is most exciting in Python in 2018. This is an opportunity to hear insights from other community members, and to acknowledge their contributions.

Our speaker is documenting the contributions of women and under-represented people in the Python community, and continuously updating this talk as new people and interviews are added to the slides.

Watch 'Secret Histories: The Women of Python' on PyCon AU's YouTube account

Elissa Shevinsky

Elissa Shevinsky
OR Books

Elissa Shevinsky is a successful serial entrepreneur, and the editor of “Lean Out: The Struggle for Gender Equality in Tech and Start-up Culture.” Shevinsky helped launch Geekcorps (acquired), Everyday Health (IPO) and Brave ($35M ICO.) She is currently working on her next book, which has the working title “History of OkCupid.”